Monday, September 30, 2013

" You Will Survive and Thrive"

John 14:1, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me."

2013 has been a challenging year for many of God's Children and some seasons have seemed unbearable, but no matter what you are having to endure, decree and declare over your life that you will survive and thrive!!! Jesus made it clear to us in His Word that we are to not allow our hearts to be consumed to the daily pressures and struggles of our lives. Allowing your heart to be vulnerable to pain exposes us to hardships and makes us immune to experiencing true joy from Our Father. In life, it is important for us to never lose the faith of being able to bounce back and thrive. Our belief in God and also in Christ is what strengthens our faith and gives us the antidote to ensuring our hearts are healthy and free of worry. Stay focused, faithful and find encouragement in knowing that you can survive what you are growing through and thrive!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Growing Praise

Psalm 59:16~"But I will sing of Your power, Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning.."

2013 has truly become a year where I have learned about growing praise. We never know what to expect from one season to the next and life has a way of knocking the breath out of us unexpectedly. In spite of the difficulty, pain, and heartaches of life, we have to grow in our praise. Praise is an ointment for pain and helps with dealing with the issues of life. It is quite simple to concentrate on our pain, but it's much healthier to focus on our praise. In whatever season you may be going and growing through, put some praise on it and vow to praise God through the good and bad! King David tells us to sing of God's power and mercy every morning God gives us the opportunity to see another day. No matter what's going on, vow to praise God in the good and bad, praise is who I am and should be what we all aspire to become as vessels of God.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Perspective in Pain"

James 1:2, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials."

We all thrust into 2013 walking in faith and not by sight, declaring positive affirmations upon our lives and somewhere along the way, life and trials have taken their course. While going through pain, we have to seek God's Wisdom to receive perspective on the pain. James encourages us to press in spite of the falls we experience in life, we ought to count it and them all joy. While going and growing through the process, God will manifest His glory in your life and give you a peace in the midst of the pain that you can't explain, but you can feel it. In spite of your finances, children going through changes, illnesses, family members acting out, God will whisper you wisdom and give you perspective on why things are the way they are and what your assignment is in the situation. No matter what happens, don't lose your joy! Happiness is short-term, but the joy of the Lord is eternal. Stay focused, press through the pain and gain perspective of your pain:)

Monday, May 6, 2013

"Woman of Her Word"

Matthew 5:37, " But let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one."

Good Monday Ladies!! As you prepare to start your week off, stay focused and don't take on more assignments than you can complete. As Women of God, we have to be about our Father's Business using good business practices. Be a Woman of your Word and always walk in the spirit of humility. A lot of us struggle with the "I Can Be Everything to Everybody" syndrome and that is simply not of God nor the case. Above all things, we should seek first the Kingdom of God and ask God what He would desire for us to do. In a society of mediocrity, we can't be average. Whatever we assign our reputation to should be done decently and in order. Become accustomed to saying "no." There is such peace and power in knowing your limitations. Be blessed this week and take on only the things that God has assigned you to bear. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"I'm Still Standing"

Ephesians 6:14, "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness."

If you plan to make it in this life, ladies we are going to have to be strong and stand even when you don't feel like it. People have become mean spirited and spiteful and they don't want others to get ahead if it leaves them behind. After having done all to stand, continue to stand. Life is hard, but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Every day that God gives you life, walk and speak in truth and do righteous by those who do wrong by you.Your character will always speak for you in your silence and in spite of how things get, stay grounded and rooted in the Word of God. God is for you, so it doesn't matter who comes against you-you just stand.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"I'm going to get through this."

Deuteronomy 31:6, "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."

Ladies, as you prepare for the week ahead, I encourage you to be strong and of good courage.  No matter what you are having to endure, you are going to get through it! Life has a way of bringing us down, but find hope in knowing that God is standing by to lift you up! Everyday will not be sunshine, but that will not hinder God's Reign over your life. Sometimes you may find yourself lonely, upset and feel like nobody truly understands the level of hurt you are having to endure. That's normal and in those times lean on Jesus and trust God's Word that has been spoken over your life from your mother's womb. Girlfriends may leave, but God will never depart from you. He alone will go with you to the end of your journey and through the doors of your destiny. Stay focused and know that in spite of what comes against you, God will always be for you. Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"I Know Who God Said I Am"

Genesis 2:18, "And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helper comparable to him."

Ladies, always know what you bring to the table as a Woman of God and be humble enough to serve at the table. In this society, we have many women who have not been taught who they are in Christ and they don't have a clue to what they bring to the table because they haven't been taught their worth nor value. As a Woman of God, you are afforded opportunities and blessings just by being connected to God! God said it's not good for a man to be alone, that tells us that we are worth far more than rubies and we have the responsibility to comfort and cultivate our husbands and the men in our lives. That's an honorable position to have and don't ever take it lightly. God didn't make man BETTER than us, He made us a BLESSING for him-there is a difference. Be blessed and be a blessing!

Monday, April 1, 2013

"Woman Arise"

Matthew  17:7, "But Jesus came and touched them and said, "Arise, and do not be afraid."

Ladies, we have entered a new month and by now we should have a clear understanding of what we are going to stand for and what we will not tolerate. You have nothing to be afraid of when Jesus is the center of your life. People will always have something negative to say, but Jesus will always speak life over your life! If Jesus has truly touched you, others will not be able to easily get under your skin. It is time for us to move forward, arise and do what God has called each of us to do. Let's not spend another second twiddling our thumbs about what we could have or should have done. Allow the God in you to arise! Fear is not of God, you have everything inside of you to get to the other side. Be blessed and be a blessing!

Friday, February 1, 2013

"A Month To Remember"

Isaiah 43:18, "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old."

We have officially made it through the first month of the New Year and the standard has been set on how we will conduct ourselves in 2013. If we focus on what's BEHIND, we'll never get AHEAD. No matter what you have endured in January, I encourage you to count it all joy! There is still an opportunity for all things to work together for your good! As we go forth in the month of February, let's be mindful of celebrating the rich heritage and history of African-Americans in the United States and abroad. Every moment is an opportunity for us all to blessed and be a blessing and every second is a chance to become "The First." We all are assigned a position that only we can fulfill and when we start walking in our purpose, we can become purposeful.  As we press through another month, I encourage to not consider the things of old and concentrate on the new and the places God is taking you!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy New You!!!

Philippians 3:14, "I press towards the mark for the high prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus."

 Happy New You!! In 2013, it is time for us all to discipline our mindset to prepare us for the new seasons of life. Life will not be easy, but it will become easier this year. Our nation is having to bounce back from holiday tragedies, economic loss, illnesses, a divided government, and whether our children will be safe in their classrooms. No matter what we will have to endure, let us find hope and strength in knowing that God is in control and has everything under control. The Scripture clearly tells us that if we desire to go forward we have to look toward! We won't ever get to where we need to be without praying and pressing our way through the good times and bad timings. The harder we press, the higher we go in God and the calling He has entrusted us with. You have it in you to have an amazing year:) Always remember, NO PRESSING-NO BLESSING! Be blessed and forever encouraged in the New Year as a New You!