Friday, June 19, 2020



As we celebrate freedom on today, let us be intentional about not being enslaved financially. My late grandmother was a housekeeper who made low wages, but she created a sustainable life for her family. Her financial principal that I keep at the forefront of my generational decision-making...

👉🏽It’s not what you make, it’s how you manage what you have.

A few financial gems to remember moving forward:
  1. First seek the Kingdom of God -sow into a ministry where you are being spiritually fed.
  2. Always live deeply below your means. Everyone should be on a fixed income.
  3. Get clarity on what’s coming in financially so you can navigate what goes out.
  4. A rainy day should always be considered in your financial forecast. 
  5. Invest in life insurance for you and your household. Life insurance is your last love letter to your family. 
  6. Establish an emergency fund (3 months minimum based on your basic billing and essentials).
  7. Create sinking funds for your goals (vehicle, vacation, holiday shopping).
  8. Support Black owned businesses.
  9. Pray about every financial decision you make. Give yourself 48 hours before making a purchase. 
  10. Pay yourself first, not last.