Jeremiah 33:6, "Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth."
As you continue to grow forward in 2015, you've got to deal and heal from hurt. Many are often in good health, but are unhealed. The Bible makes a distinction from health and healing. Health is physical and hurt is spiritual. The key to overcoming hurt is overcoming the pain. You've got to give yourself permission to grieve then make the necessary adjustments to not place yourself in the same situation again. Creating boundaries and standards gives others a blueprint of what to expect and how they are to conduct themselves in your presence. Secondly, forgive yourself for ignoring the signs and warnings. The Holy Spirit is an indebted moral compass on the inside of each of us and can be activated by active listening and faith. Don't ignore any unction you feel or hear in 2015. Lastly, give yourself a timetable to heal from hurt. It doesn't mean you'll automatically be healed in that time, but it will help you make the adjustments of getting back on track overtime. Get the lessons from the hurt, apply them into your daily living and walk in the abundance of peace and truth that is an inheritance to you as a Child of God! Be blessed and be a blessing!
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