Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Mid-Year Checkup ✅

              Remainder of the Year Checklist 

We are at the halfway mark of 2020! Many of us named and claimed 2020 as the year of clarity. Here are a few nuggets to consider as you continue on your pathway to clarity for the remainder of the year. 

  1. Clear out your emails and organize the ones you need to keep into folders on your account. 
  2. Take inventory of your financial health and create a 6 month goal for savings and to pay off your debt goals. There are 13 pay periods left in the year. Finish financially fortified.  
  3. Clear out clutter in your home. A clear head is the byproduct of a cleaned home. 
  4. Determine your holiday spending budget and create a sinking fund to finance it. 
  5. Check with your creditors to see if they are offering any new incentives or discounts towards your insurance, credit cards, utilities, etc..
  6. Contact your children’s schools to ensure their paperwork/registration is current for the Fall. Whether they physically return or not-updates have to be updated. 
  7. If you haven’t had your annual/physical, dental, and eye exams for the year schedule them and if you have make sure you’ve scheduled for the next 6 months or year. 
  8. Assess the quality of your relationships, friendships and marriage and navigate from the reality of where you stand in them.
  9. Maintain your mental health-worship, counseling, life coaching, staying in consistent communication with loved ones and family. 
  10. Start planning for 2021. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Friday, June 19, 2020



As we celebrate freedom on today, let us be intentional about not being enslaved financially. My late grandmother was a housekeeper who made low wages, but she created a sustainable life for her family. Her financial principal that I keep at the forefront of my generational decision-making...

👉🏽It’s not what you make, it’s how you manage what you have.

A few financial gems to remember moving forward:
  1. First seek the Kingdom of God -sow into a ministry where you are being spiritually fed.
  2. Always live deeply below your means. Everyone should be on a fixed income.
  3. Get clarity on what’s coming in financially so you can navigate what goes out.
  4. A rainy day should always be considered in your financial forecast. 
  5. Invest in life insurance for you and your household. Life insurance is your last love letter to your family. 
  6. Establish an emergency fund (3 months minimum based on your basic billing and essentials).
  7. Create sinking funds for your goals (vehicle, vacation, holiday shopping).
  8. Support Black owned businesses.
  9. Pray about every financial decision you make. Give yourself 48 hours before making a purchase. 
  10. Pay yourself first, not last. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Chapter 35

Proverbs 4:7, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.

Hello there!  It has been a while since I've blogged, but I'm back and I'm building. I turned 35 this month (May 10) and as the day neared I asked friends for sage advice on reaching this milestone. I also googled wisdom for 35-year-olds and nothing truly resonated with me. I've learned along my journey that often times our INstinct is the INformation that we are seeking. Perspective wise, 35 is the halfway mark to 70, and others define it as 5 years from 40. Either way, it's movement and milestone.

Here are a few lessons I've gleaned from my 35-year journey around the sun...

1. People will only respect you at the level in which you require.
(Frustration is the byproduct of lack of communication. People will only operate at the level of expectation that you have set for them to operate within. Nothing more.)

2. Your success is in Your surrender.
(God will allow your gift to make room for you once you become present.)

3. There is good in the good-bye.
(Unequally yoked goes beyond marriage-it extends to family and friends as well. You will never become better until you receive clarity on who doesn't want you to be your best.)

4. Navigate from a Kingdom mindset with your finances.
(The Bible says that the poor will be with us always, but Jesus didn't say we had to be in poverty always. Operate from the mindset of biblical stewardship (God is a supplier of NEED) and delegate every dollar in decision and discipline. Restore your financial dignity in your early years to ensure no lack in your latter times.)

5. Forgive Fast
(Forgiveness is truly the gift you gift yourself. Operate from the intention of people can't give you what they don't have and never assume the depth of anyone at any time.)

6. Let peace be your bottom line.
(Peace is only valuable to those who operate in it and desire it. Let peace be the bottom line in every decision you make.)

7. Trust your intuition.
(The Holy Spirit is Holy and is the internal GPS that will always navigate you back to God. The Bible declares in Ecclesiastes 3:11, that God has placed eternity in our hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from the beginning to the end. Find solace in knowing that no matter how far you get away from God, He is always there.)

                   "The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows."-Audrey Heburn