Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Do it from your Heart"

Colossians 3:23-24, " And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord  you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."

Growing up, I often was the spectacle of criticism and I took things people did and said to me "to the heart." I would often go to my grandmama in confidence with issues of my heart and she would always say, "did you do it from your heart or for man?" We have to be mindful of  our decisions and actions and our motivation behind them. If God isn't at the core of our decisions and intentions, we simply haven't done it from our heart. God is love. When you do things from the heart, you don't have to concern yourself on whether your words or actions were received and if they will bring you validation. When our works are done from our heart, we understand that sometimes others will receive glory for our efforts and that true power resides in effectively knowing how to hold and fold and not make a scene. When you do things from your heart and not for others' validation, the Bible says we will receive our reward of inheritance from God. Meaning, God takes notice of our efforts and works for Him and He will promote, validate and ensure we receive our kudos from Him! Everything we do should be for the glory of God. God will use our story to get His Glory if we humble ourselves and ensure we are an open vessel that is willing and capable of being used by Him-not them.

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