Friday, December 23, 2011

"Show me what you working with"

Matthews 9:29, "Then He touched their eyes saying, "According to your faith let it be to you."

Matthew 9:27-31, discusses two blind men who followed Jesus by their faith, not by sight. The men had to walk by their faith because they lacked the physical capacity to do so. The men had to utilize their spiritual eyes to get to Jesus which required them to activate the substance of their faith. Hebrews 11:1, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The blind men had "BIG FAITH." BIG FAITH creates BIG BLESSINGS. The men's faith took them into an unknown place that positioned them for their miracle. When we are placed in situations and circumstances that we can't "see" our way out of, we have to walk by our faith and not by what we see in the natural eye. We have to seek God without expecting anything besides for Him to show a little mercy on us. The blind men didn't go expecting a healing of their eyes, they simply said "Son of David, have mercy on us!" They knew Jesus was able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all they could ever ask or think-Jesus reminded them that it was according to the power that was activated within them-not Him! Jesus is telling us that it's a 2-way street and He ain't in the business of proving Himself, we have to prove ourselves to Him! 

Similar to the blind men, God will place us in unfamiliar territory to show us who we are-not who He is. We have to walk by our faith and believe that He already knows our situation and will heal us of our short-comings. The blind men came expecting mercy, but because Jesus is all-knowing, He went on and hooked them up with some 20/20!!  Jesus is still able to perfect those things which concern us, He is just waiting on us show Him what we working with. Be blessed!

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