Sunday, December 18, 2011

Under Construction

Jeremiah 18:6, "O house of  Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel."

Jeremiah 18 are life lessons that God taught Jeremiah at the potter's workshop. A potter during Jeremiah's time would spin the lower wheel with his foot and would work the clay on the upper wheel in a process. The lesson that God showed Jeremiah is applicable to us now. God is willing to do the work as the potter had in our lives if we are willing to allow Him to mold us and take us through a process. In our molding seasons, we have to allow the Potter to lower the wheel and put His foot down on our issues and short-comings. As the Potter puts His foot down on us, we have to be mature enough and spiritually ready for Him to crush those things which concern us and allow our Potter to move folks and things out of our clay that are hindering us from solidifying into the form that God desires us to be in. As the Potter spins the lower wheel, we have to be willing to lay low and allow God to work out the kinks and be receptive to criticism and folks questioning the integrity of our mold. As the Potter works on our "deep down" issues, He is simultaneously working the clay on the upper wheel, which means He is bringing you out!! Don't believe the hype-we are all works in progress and those whom God humbles, He exalts. Press down, shaken together, running over-expect good measure!! God has His Hands on you and will ensure that others hands stay off of you and your situation while He is perfecting you. 

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