Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Collards and Cornbread

Acts 2:46, "Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple and courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts."

Traditions are the hallmark of every family and we have to be ever so careful of ensuring that we pass them down in a healthy manner to our children and families. Tradition is a deep southern way of life and we have to be mindful of recognizing that all traditions aren't healthy and should be aborted if they don't bring peace and joy to the recipients involved. My family has a tradition of eating collards and cornbread and although I haven't MASTERED the art of cooking collards, I understand the CONCEPT! In today's society, the passing along of recipes, books, Sunday worship, having fellowship, and Bible Study are becoming ENDANGERED JOYS and the value of these traditions aren't seen as invaluable as they were to our grandparent's generation. We live in a microwave society where if things don't happen quickly, we don't want them. The beauty in tradition is that they are developed over time and with love. I encourage young couples with young families to meditate on some of the traditions you desire to pass along to your children and start creating ones of your own. They don't have to be all "deep and spiritual," it can be as simple as taking a nap after church or going to the park to walk on a designated day of the week. I look forward to my afternoon chats with my husband about my goals and dreams while we eat ice-cream:) Always remember, fellowship is good for the soul and it's not about the activity that matters, it's about coming together in a good place with a glad heart. Be blessed and encouraged:)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"To Have And to Hold"

August is the month of new beginnings and this month will mark my 7th year wedding anniversary on August 15th and my husband's birthday on August 16th. I treasure each day, moment, and season with the love of my life because I realize in this society, marriages are microwavable and aren't taken as sacred nor serious as former generations considered them. I reflect on the vows I made to my husband at the tender age of 20 daily, however during the month of celebration I carefully examine them and determine where I stand in fulfilling our agreement. This year as I read over the vows, "To Have And To Hold" struck a cord in my heart. Many desire to HAVE a spouse, but to HOLD on to one is work that most are unwilling to fulfill. As I reflect on the times we have endured as best-friends, lovers, and parents, it amazes me how we have grown over the years and the strength we have allowed each other to gather in the times of storms. I treasure my marriage and it has truly sharpened me into the woman I am today. To those who are waiting on God to send your other half, I encourage you to become the better half that you seek.  Always remember, Love is a beautiful feeling when it is first felt towards the person that desires to be the recipient of it.