Saturday, January 31, 2015

Beauty of Blessings

Psalm 37:4
" In the same manner delight thyself in the LORD, and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart."

As the month of January culminates, I pray you take some time to really get to the core of what you want and why you need it. We often get so caught up into the future that we forget to relish in our present. There's beauty and blessings all around us if we take the time to make time for what truly matters. Devote some time each day to glean from the Word, listen to the birds, or savor your sip of coffee. Delighting yourself in The Lord produces not only true peace , but aids in God guiding you to the things that your soul truly desires.  Take some time to enjoy the view and see your heart the way God sees you. Be blessed and be a blessing! 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

"With this Ring"

Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right. (Song of Solomon 3:5)

Like many of my sisters across the nations, I watched Lifetime's "With this Ring." The movie started out with a statistic stating that 1 out of 2 black women will not marry. This statistic is alarming, but it doesn't make it an emergency. Society pressures women to have the ring, the home, the children and be financially stable by the age of 30. These expectations have left many of our sisters alone with the feeling that they have to do it on their own. Love is an emotion and shouldn't be made a demanded expectation. The bible makes it clear, love should not be aroused nor awakened until it so desires. A woman doesn't have to make herself available for love, just remain accessible to being loved. Focus on you and God will bring him to you in time at the right time! Be blessed:))

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No Pain~No Gain

 It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes. (Psalm 119:71)

Pain is an emotion that none of us truly desire to experience in our lives. Pain is often an usher into understanding our Purpose. Some things we go through in life are painful, but they are also purposeful. If you hadn't gotten fired, you wouldn't appreciate getting hired. If you had never been  broken, you wouldn't understand the beauty of fulfillment in its totality. Pain no matter the depth always takes us deeper in God and shows us God in a different way. Always look at your pain in perspective and take some time to allow it to teach you. It is good that you were afflicted, it helped you to lean on Jesus and learn from God. The greater the pain, the greater the purpose! Be blessed and be a blessing!

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Surviving Spiritual Storms

"And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm." (Luke 8:24)

As we continue to grow through 2015, we will encounter storms of life. Storms come in our lives to build us-not to break us. When you experience storms throughout your life, don't focus on the storm, concentrate on who controls the waves. When the disciples were confronted with an unexpected storm, they went into "spiritual survival." Surviving spiritual storms are easier when we don't make things difficult. When you encounter a storm, take the measures the disciples applied. Go to Jesus, activate your faith, make your petition to Him and put it all in His Hands. Jesus is an experienced lifeguard who will shield you from the winds and billows of life.  Keep the faith, all storms come to pass! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Overcoming Hurt Attacks

Jeremiah 33:6, "Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth."

As you continue to grow forward in 2015, you've got to deal and heal from hurt. Many are often in good health, but are unhealed. The Bible makes a distinction from health and healing. Health is physical and hurt is spiritual. The key to overcoming hurt is overcoming the pain. You've got to give yourself permission to grieve then make the necessary adjustments to not place yourself  in the same situation again. Creating boundaries and standards gives others a blueprint of what to expect and how they are to conduct themselves in your presence. Secondly, forgive yourself for ignoring the signs and warnings. The Holy Spirit is an indebted moral compass on the inside of each of us and can be activated by active listening and faith. Don't ignore any unction you feel or hear in 2015. Lastly, give yourself a timetable to heal from hurt. It doesn't mean you'll automatically be healed in that time, but it will help you make the adjustments of getting back on track overtime. Get the lessons from the hurt, apply them into your daily living and walk in the abundance of peace and truth that is an inheritance to you as a Child of God! Be blessed and be a blessing!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New You!

Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says The Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Welcome to 2015! The slate is clean and you still have the opportunity to choose better for your life. The New Year is a season to examine and take inventory of what's going right and what we can do better. In the New Year as a New You, I admonish you to renew your mind and covenant with God daily. As you go forth planning your days, always leave and make room for God's plans to lead your planning. His plans are far greater than we could ever think or imagine. God plans will always lead you into prosperity and provision. I encourage you in 2015 to let Jesus lead you all the way-as the psalmist coined, He's a mighty good leader! Stay focused and faithful-God has an expected end to your exciting beginning! Blessings!